New Braces: Compromised Chewing not Taste


Puberty and braces unfortunately happen together here in the U.S.  Last week we had one child completing her time with braces while another began the process. New braces brought new challenges to my already complex chopped and blended dinner table. Soups and smoothies worked until she got tired of a liquid diet. Then came the minimal chewing but more substantial meals. I made her soupy khichuri (a Bengali mix of rice and lentils, lightly spiced), one of her favorite, braces or no braces. She also enjoyed the savory corn pancakes (a batter made with the addition of creamed corn). The chicken enchiladas still required too much chewing for her comfort. I lost a point there. Its always somehow surprising when small unrecognized parts of ourselves, once hurt or broken, change the way we do things. Teeth are wonderful machines that allow us to enjoy so many delicious simple things, like apples and crusty bread. Certainly not to be taken for granted by foodies, eaters and gourmands.

I’ll report back with brace friendly bowl food like khichuri, congee, risotto, grits, polenta and various sauces for the months of tightening to follow.

2 thoughts on “New Braces: Compromised Chewing not Taste

  1. Brent Laird

    I am 59 with braces. I find that the taste is affected. Many foods are bland tasting. Maybe it’s the type of braces I have or the way they have my teeth blocked up so I can not chew very well. My braces do not hurt, which seem to be common in older patients.Even after adjustments Its only a few hours of discomfort.


    • lsbanu

      Hi Brent, I can imagine taste being affected because of the difficulty chewing (with or without pain), as well as the plastic/metal material becoming a part of the flavors. Thank you for reminding me. I wonder if certain flavorings taste better than others. Its difficult to get a complexity flavors or textures when chewing is compromised. Thank goodness, braces are temporary!


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